11 сентября в 19:00
Этот курс открыт
для всех, кто хочет изучать современный театр и перформанс. Предыдущий опыт
не обязателен. Важны
лишь ваша готовность
к исследованию, интерес к искусству
и желание открывать новые формы выражения.
Двухмесячный курс:
современный театр и перформанс.
Two-Month Course
February 15 – April 14
National Center for Aesthetics, 13 Abovyan Street
Contemporary Theater and Performance
About the Course

This course is a space for exploration and creation.
We invite you to embark on a journey through contemporary theatrical and performative practices to explore their possibilities and boundaries. This is an opportunity for residents of Armenia and those who have found themselves here in search of a new home to discover themselves in art and learn to speak the language of theater about the most pressing questions of our time.

What Awaits You
Over the course of two months, you will:
  • Master contemporary theatrical techniques that combine elements of acting, directing, and performance.
  • Explore key questions such as: What does it mean to be an artist in the 21st century? How are the roles and tasks of actors, directors, and performers evolving in a new social context?
  • Engage in practice four times a week, immersing yourself in physical, acting, and performative training.
  • Discuss ideas and theories twice a week, drawing on texts by leading thinkers and art researchers.

Жанна Велицян
Мария Сейранян
Екатерина Крамаренко
Алишер Умаров
Мгер Мкртчян
Алек Баяндурян - Левасгани

Звукорежиссер: Родион Никитинских
Автор спектакля: Илья Мощицкий

National Centre for Aesthetics, Abovyan 13
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