In the last three months, the metaphor of the "philosopher's steamboat" (философский пароход) — the expulsion of opposition intellectuals from the Soviet Union in the 1920s — has often surfaced in the media space. Director Ada Mukhina invites you to a workshop on a collective performative study of the parallels between political emigration from Russia a century ago and today. We will spend 3 hours together with the texts of emigrant artists written in Berlin and Paris in the 20s, comparing them with the experience of those who left for Yerevan, Tbilisi in 2022… Is there a contact? Can we understand what is happening now when looking back? What echoes, and what does not lend itself to any comparison?
The number of participants is limited. Registration required
временная рассылка. Для тех, кто хочет получать новости о фестивале и наших событиях.